Wednesday 22 February 2012

Competition Time!

Fancy a chance at winning a £20 iTunes voucher? All we need is your imagination!

Bridges is the new and exclusive project working with young lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual people in Rhondda Cynon Taff needs a logo.

The project works closely with and Rhondda Cynon Taff Services for Young People. The group plans to build workshops to raise awareness and discuss LGBT issues with young people in schools and youth centres to help educate the ignorance of the topic.
94% of gay people are bullied in schools and 1 in 4 schools have NOT said homophobic bullying is wrong (Stonewall).

You can be as creative as you want, but just remember that this will be used on our websites, business cards etc so it has to be suitable and memorable. Apart from that there is just one rule – our team color is purple.

Purple has become a colour associated with LGBT groups, especially remembering that the fight will be difficult and battles exist, but we can overcome the challenges.

Entries must be in by Thursday 8th March 4pm for your chance to win an iTunes voucher!

All entries will be posted to our various pages listed below, and first prize will be used on business cards, publications for the group AND the author will receive a £20 iTunes voucher!

Two runners-up will also receive a £5 WHS voucher for their creations.

Entries can be e-mailed to us here or on our Facebook

Please include the image, your name and a contact number and we will contact the winner within 48 hours.

Thank you and good luck!

- The Bridges Editorial Team x

Introducing Bridges

This is the official Bridges blog.

"What is Bridges?", we hear you ask. Well, let us explain...

Bridges is a new project funded by O2 Think Big, and in association with and Rhondda Cynon Taff's Services For Young People.

The project will involve putting together an editorial group which will create and design media relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.

"I want to help voice people's opinion while raising awareness and trying to end discrimination. The group will meet regularly and create written articles, and possibly photographs and videos relating to the LGBT community" says Martyn David, founding director.

We are already active on some social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and are hoping to expand our social networking sites.

We hope you keep checking back to see what we're up to!

- The Bridges Editorial Team x